United Church "Chapel on the Hill"

United Church "Chapel on the Hill"

History of the United Church

The history behind the United Church, Chapel on the Hill, helped to formulate who we are today. The Manhattan Project, of World War II, brought a great diversity of people and ideas to what would become Oak Ridge. In this born over-night, military town, religious pursuits became a melting pot of ideas which occurred inside and outside of our chapel walls, the only chapel in Oak Ridge at that time. This ecumenical process brought many people to the conclusion that there is no need for so many segmented denominations and denominational creeds. This group of people stayed at the Chapel on the Hill to continue the ecumenical experience, while many other members left the Chapel on the Hill to develop other denominational churches here in Oak Ridge.

When the City was still a place of mud, without a store, a post office, or even a name, a group of thirty earnest and devout Christians from several denominations met on July 18, 1943 for morning worship service in the only available space—the west wing of the old Town site cafeteria. Following the service, conducted by a young electrician from the Y-12 Plant, several members of the congregation remained to discuss the possibilities of holding services in the weeks ahead and of founding an interdenominational church. In meetings that followed, all agreed the new church should have a name that would include all denominations and would in no way tie it to any single denomination. The name finally decided upon was the “United Church.

A United Church Board and Board of Trustees were elected and assumed their duties on October 24, 1943. Also late in October of 1943, the US military completed construction on the chapel that houses this church near the main business district (Jackson Square) in Oak Ridge, Tennessee. The standard Army chapel was soon known to those who worked on the Manhattan Project as the “Chapel-on-the-Hill.” On September 30, 1943, it was dedicated for Jewish, Catholic, and Protestant worship. Once completed, the Chapel-on-the-Hill was turned over to the Oak Ridge churches – the United Church and the Roman Catholic Church, the only two then operating in Oak Ridge.

In the Chapel-on-the-Hill, the Protestant, the Roman Catholic and the Jewish faiths held services. As the various denominations began to organize, the Chapel was used by all of them for weddings and practically every hour, day and night, was used for organ practice. The United Church had congregations in four locations and Sunday Schools in seven. More than 4,000 weddings were celebrated in this ecumenical chapel during its first 50 years.

A crisis faced the United Church in December 1946 when 5,000 Tennessee Eastman Corporation employees, among them forty percent of the members of the United Church, were terminated. In addition, Rev. B. M. Larson, capable leader and organizer of the United Church, received a call to organize a new church. Soberly the matter was pondered—at board meetings, in the homes, on the street corners—had time come to disband? The final decision to maintain the United Church was based on: (1) the experience of worshiping, studying and serving with people of various denominations was enriching and challenging; (2) there would never be enough people in Oak Ridge from some denominations to form a strong church and these people could find a “church home” in the United Church without having to give up their own particular religious beliefs; (3) those couples where the husband was from one denomination and the wife from another could find a common “church home” within the United Church—without giving up their particular denominational beliefs if they preferred to retain them—thus our motto “Where People from All Denominations Meet in Their Differences, but Are One in Their Search for God.”

On May 11, 1955, the United Church purchased the Chapel from the Government. The Chapel was renovated, an education building was constructed and a Nursery School was established. Today, the United Church continues as a non-denominational Christian Community of Faith.

Because of the historic significance to Oak Ridge’s religious community, the Chapel-on-the-Hill was placed on the National Register of Historic places in 1993.


Community and World Service
At the United Church, we feel strongly that the actions we take in our community are works for God, and that these actions say more than words. We are compiling a list of Community and World Service actions we support on the links page.

Scholarships Available
Also, the United Church, Chapel on the Hill, has provided three $1,000 educational scholarships since 2016. The scholarships can be used for books, tuition, fees, and any other school related expense. These scholarships are awarded on the basis of ability and need.

The Women’s Sew for Hope Group
On the second Monday of each month, a group of volunteers from the Two Circles of the United Church Women meet in the Fellowship Hall to make “Hats With Hugs” and other items that are given to people in need. See the Chapel Chimes, or call the church office, for the most accurate meeting times.

The Sew for Hope group makes comfort items for cancer patients. The items are donated to organizations such as “Reach for Recovery” of the American Cancer Society, Thompson Cancer Survival Center, The Oncology Center, The Hospitality House, and the Caris Health Center. They are also given to friends and family of the Church or anyone in need of these items. Among the items made and distributed are hats, pillows, scarves, drain pouches, and comfort bunnies. The drain pouches hold individual’s medical drain bag in a way that is more comfortable.

Sew for Hope has two displays at the Oak Ridge Public Library – left is a free-standing case in the main library and the second is a wall display by the Children’s Library.

Ecumenical Storehouse
“The Ecumenical Storehouse, Inc., of Oak Ridge, Tennessee, which first started its ministry in 1984, is a non-profit corporation. It is organized and operated to provide a coordinated effort to accept contributions of usable household goods, store them, and distribute them cost-free on a first-come, first-served basis to the needy in Oak Ridge and the surrounding area. It is run totally by volunteers from Oak Ridge churches and is governed by a Board composed of representatives from each of the ten participating churches.”